Second Piano Sonata, Op. 5

Second Piano Sonata

Second Piano Sonata, Op. 5.

I wrote my Second Piano Sonata, Op. 5 in 2003. This composition was dedicated “To All Those Against U.S. Military Barbarism in Iraq.” I gave the world premiere in New York, NY.

The 2nd Sonata was written in less than 2 weeks. The three movements have separate themes: 1st Movement – the barbaric attack by U.S. military. 2nd Movement – the pain of those innocent. 3rd Movement – the defense against the occupation of Iraqi land.

The Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire, Fourth Edition by Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts wrote: “In three movements. Harp-like slow movement emphasis rolled chords with added notes for coloristic purposes. Driving rhythms in outer movements require stamina and pacing.”


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